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Cash Crawford’s Latest Release Teaches Us The Value Of “Mistakes”

Singer-songwriter Cash Crawford shrinks for no one.

Not in her voice, her lyrics or in her spirit.

Hailing from rural British Columbia, Crawford has been making music for more than 20 years. ”I grew up singing in church, so the spiritual aspect of music is still very much a part of how I express myself personally and vocally,” she says of her connection to music.

In 2008, Cash participated in Canadian Idol after which she travelled across Canada performing as one-half of the duo ‘Beyond the Mountain’ with Theo Tams. This project won her the Toronto Independent Music Awards for Singer/Songwriter of the Year in 2012.

In 2016, she made the move to Nashville where she has been blazing a trail all her own. Her single “Stevie”, written about her idol Stevie Nicks gave Music City a powerful introduction into the depth of her spirit and the power of her voice.

Cash Crawford (2022)

Her latest release “Mistakes,” speaks to the complexity of making mistakes and the outcomes of growing, learning, and becoming more resilient in the process. The showcases Crawford’s powerhouse vocals and iconic tone, making it easy to see why she is compared to her icons like Stevie Nicks.

We caught up with Cash to talk more about “Mistakes” and what she truly wants women to glean from her music.

Bridge: Being from BC, has there been culture shock going from BC’s music scene to Nashville?

CC: There was initially. In my experience, I found BC’s music scene to be a little on the cliquey side whereas the scene in Nashville was far more open to welcoming everyone.

Bridge: You ooze female empowerment, what do you hope women glean from your art?

CC: That we are strong. Our voices matter and should be heard and that there is always space to become a better version of ourselves.

Bridge: If you had to name one female hero in the industry, who would it be?

CC: Stevie Nicks. She is truly magical and she has never been afraid to own that.

Bridge: You recently released your single “Mistakes” – tell us all about it…

CC: It’s my anti-cancel culture anthem. Mistakes is a song I’m really proud of. Not only did I really get to dig in and showcase what my voice can do, but I also get to voice my opinion on cancel culture. People should be allowed to make mistakes. It’s how we grow and become better.

“Mistakes” (2022)

Bridge: One main theme is leaving anything behind that keeps you from being free. What would you say has been the hardest thing for you to leave behind?

CC: The idea of having to be liked. It’s something that I work on, on the daily… but I’ve learned that my opinion of me is the most important and when it’s all said and done I need to like me because in the end we only have ourselves.

Bridge: What is next for you? Anything planned for 2023 that we can know about?

CC: I still have a few things in the air. Nothing solidified or announced yet… but I expect it to be an exciting one!

Bridge: Which powerful female song in history do you wish you could have been a part of?

CC: Oh man, there are so many. I think I really resonate with a lot of the music in the late 60’s and 70’s. Male and female. It was such an important era for growth in many countries and I wish I had been around to be a part of it.

Listen to “Mistakes” available everywhere now.


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