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Park Cities People in Texas Interviews Erin Duvall

Singer Says It’s Not ‘Too Late’ to Choose Yourself

While many will focus on the joys of love this Valentine’s Day, Highland Park native Erin Duvall looks to the other side of the coin and shares her perspective on heartbreak in her new song, “Too Little, Too Late.” “The song is a delicate dance working through the emotions of love, aversion, and finally freedom,” Duvall said. “I wanted to feel the weight of the drums to match my pain, the strum of the guitar to echo my shame, and the openness of the bridge to allow me to finally find my wings and soar.”

Drawing from her own experiences, the country artist understands that not all relationships are perfect. Her song reaches out to those who understand and those who are experiencing the difficulties of relationships and reassures them. “The weight of the wrong person in your life can be crippling,” Duvall said. “It can strip you of who you are supposed to be and clip your wings down from allowing you to fly. The right partner lifts you up and soars next to you. We all deserve to be happy, whether that is in the right relationship with a partner or in the right relationship with ourselves.”

While love with another may not work out, Duvall shares a message of self-love and choosing personal happiness to overcome heartbreak.

“You have better relationships with everyone across the board when you are personally centered and free,” Duvall said. “Too Little, Too Late” can be pre-saved on various music streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and more.

“Say ‘Too Little, Too Late’ to those that dim your light and don’t give you the freedom to soar to great heights,” Duvall said. “You are amazing and deserve nothing less.”



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